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Since 1976 Indian Valley Meats has been treating Alaskans to specialty meats, sausages and smoked fish. We are now one of the largest processors of game meat in North America. We use only the finest ingredients, natural spices and inspected game meat to make our high quality products. Our smokehouse is federally inspected for your safety.

Phone: 907-653-7511
Indian Valley Meats is a family-owned custom processor of fish and exotic meats, including elk, venison, buffalo and all of Alaska’s wild game animals. The company is nestled in the scenic town of Indian, Alaska where the mighty Chugach mountains meet Cook Inlet just south of Anchorage. We keep live reindeer and other exotic animal and birds at our facilities to bring Alaska’s Nature into our daily lives.
Visit The Meat Shoppe for custom made specialty meats, sausages, smoked salmon, canned products, and shelf stable items.

1/5# Mild Breakfast Sausage
(1/5# package)
1/5# Elk Burger
(1/5# package)
1/5# Venison Burger
(1/5# package)
1/5# Buffalo Bratwurst
(1/5# package)
1/3# Venison Polish Links
(1/3# package)
4/2# Elk Stew Meat
(4/2# package)
3/8oz Buffalo Medallions
(6 steaks)
3/8oz Venison Medallions
(2 steaks per package)
1/5# Buffalo Jalapeno/Cheese Links
(1/5# package)
1 Bone In 1/2 Ham or Smoked Turkey
January 1 thru May 31: Monday – Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Closed Saturday and Sunday
June 1 thru July 15: Monday – Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm, Closed Sunday
July 16 thru October 15: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm Sat & Sun 10:00am – 5:00pm
Oct 16 – thru Dec. 31: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm Sat 10:00am – 5:00pm, Closed Sunday

200 Huot Circle
Indian, Alaska 99540
Phone: 907-653-7511
Fax: 907-653-7694
All pages and images contained on this site are
© Indian Valley Meats