Indian Valley Meats


Game Saver

The Best Protection For Your Game Meat

Keeps Flies Off! Reduces Ecoli! Fights Bacteria!

Better Than Pepper.
Fights Bacteria Growth In Warm Weather.
Concentrated For Taking Into The Field.

 Alaska Department of Fish & Game endorses any product that reduces the wanton waste of meat in the field. The game specialists at Indian Valley deliver hunter education seminars through the Alaska Department of Fish and Game every year.

 Texas A&M University studies show that an active ingredient in Original GameSaver reduces the presence of E-Coli in warm beef carcasses.

 Alaska Hunting Guide Jim Baum says, “GameSaver has saved my clients from losing hundreds of pounds of game meat to flies and spoilage. It’s great and so easy to use.”


200 Huot Circle
Indian, Alaska 99540
Phone: 907-653-7511
Fax: 907-653-7694

All pages and images contained on this site are
© Indian Valley Meats